Skip A Payment

Take advantage of Skip A Payment and save today! ULFCU members can choose to skip a payment on a qualifying loan in June and July. There is a processing fee per loan skipped of $40 for loan payments of $499.99 or less and $55 for loan payments of $500.00 or more. All parties who signed the original loan document are required to sign this application. All requests are subject to approval. Complete the form below to request an Application, or call the Loan Department at 337-482-6956.

Loans not eligible for Skip-A-Payment include Mastercard credit card, real estate/mortgage, emergency cash, TDR/Workout, and past due/delinquent loans. Additional qualifications may apply for a vehicle loan Skip-A-Payment request. Must have made a minimum of 3 payments on the loan to request Skip-A-Payment. All requests are subject to approval and restrictions may apply. Processing fee will be refunded if request is not approved. Offer ends July 30, 2024. ULFCU membership required to participate.

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